Too lazy to think of a title

Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2004 at 6:53 a.m.

Goood morning!

It's always a good morning when I don't have to be at work!! That should really be a clue, huh? Oh well.

This morning I have a meeting with my former HS guidance counselor. I feel like that should be weird or something, but Mrs. P has been in my life since my brother was in HS, which was some 12 years ago almost! Of course, I knew her well when I got to HS myself, but either way, she's always been more of a great friend than a 'teacher' per se, and it's going to be nice to go and catch up on everything I've missed. Yay! :o)

I had to seperate Diz and Bird (my hammies) last night. Diz was getting all up on poor Birdy... his 'pinky' finger is kinda messed up, and last night I noticed that he had a little spot of blood on his nose. Poor Bird. :( I was hoping they could hold on til I got paid because I was going to get another cage for one of them anyway, but I couldn't take it. So I put Bird in the aquarium and he seems better already, so that's a good thing.

That's the news here. Yawn.

Have a Happy Hump Day!

Much Love,
