A Cat in the Hat vs the Swan

Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2004 at 1:15 p.m.

I feel very blah.

Last night was nice. I went over to Joe's, and we made dinner and watched the new version of "The Cat In The Hat" with Mike Meyers. Very funny, though quite different from the original cartoon, which was one of my favorite movies growing up.

We watched a presentation on "The Swan" just before that, and it made me sad as we watched it. The winner of the last one, Rachel, yes is very beautiful now after having all those surgeries and stuff done. And you can tell she holds herself differently, and is very confident when she goes out, which is good. But what's scary is that she was average in looks - that's how people described her. And looking at her 'before' footage, she didn't seem so bad to me - in fact, I thought she was kind of cute. (But could use a makeover and a heck of a lot more self-confidance) It's just a shame it took many surgeries and like $80,000 worth of work to make her feel like she was worth something. And it's scary to think that people today are watching these shows, and wondering what they could be thinking... I know I had a split few seconds where I was like, "You know, if I had a personal trainer and got my nose done so it was tiny and cute and everything else done, I'd be a knockout too!"... And then I wanted to yak just thinking about the whole concept, being even more saddened to know that people like my mother, whom I think is beautiful, might be watching this show and wishing THEY could do it to be one of the Beautiful People...

Sometimes, I just want to run away from everything this world stands for right now. Especially here in America. It's just not right, these expectations and ideals that are thrust out at people, especially kids although I know it affects adults too.

Bush may kill us by getting us into a world war. But maybe that's the plan. Because honestly, I couldn't really blame God (or whomever you believe in) if he wanted to wipe just about everyone out.

Of course, I don't want that to happen. I want to live to marry Joe, spend the rest of my days being happy with him, have a couple of dogs and maybe some kids eventually.


Much Love,
