I hate Mondays

Monday, Oct. 25, 2004 at 3:39 p.m.

I knew I hated Mondays. Today was almost a disaster right from the get-go.

I was irritated because I had to sort most of the mail this morning by myself, since Andrew did not come in til a bit after 8. Doesn't sound like such a huge thing and really, it shouldn't be... it's not like I've never done it before. But sorting through 7 or 8 trays that hold about 1000 envelopes a piece gets REALLY tiresome and annoying after a while. *sigh*

I went to my dr today and she's upping my dosage of the Accutane, so that should be fun. :o) No, not really. Heheh.

I cashed in some change so I could put gas in my car (pathetic, huh?)... which, incidently, made me run late for my first class. (Which I always seem to be, for one reason or another) I tried to make up for it by going 65 in a 55 on the way back to school... which was fine until we all went breezing by a state trooper. Who immediately pulled out after all of us as soon as I went by. Luckily, some other smuck went flying by me after that, spotted the trooper and tried to pull in front of me so he couldn't get caught... When the trooper went by me, I slowed down so I was in back of him and stayed that way until he pulled the car in front of me over. Whew.

Classes were alright. I just wrote the biggest bunch of BS 5-page paper that was due on Friday, and it sucks, but at least it's done.

And I just found out my Bro and his gf are essentially over. After 5 years. The distance is just too much I guess. But after I was already making plans for her to be my sister-in-law. Which is REALLY, really devestating and sad in and of itself for me. Not to mention it makes me sad to realize that if it can happen to them, it could happen to ANYONE... And I'll leave that thought unfinished out of fear of one of the worst thing imaginable in my mind being in print.

Sucky. Mondays just fucking suck. I'll be glad when today is over and we can get on to Tuesday already.

Much Love,
