Still angry, drunk, and chicken

Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at 10:47 a.m.

I'm not any less pissed off this morning than I was yesterday when I wrote that entry.

This morning I didn't go to work and came to school early in hopes of catching my advisor to see what was up. He wasn't in his office though, so I went to the Psy advising office, and come to find out - that jerk is on sabbatical!! So I talked to one of the girls in the office and explained what was up, and she looked at my degree audit and brought it up on the computer... She couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, either. So now I have an appointment on Tuesday at 11am to meet with the lady who is filling in for my advisor while he's gone. Dammit!! Now I have all freakin' weekend to stew about this. Fan-freakin-tastic.

I also had an exam in my Health Psychology class this morning... Which I wasn't really prepared for. I stayed at Joe's last night and had every intention of reading all the chapters before going to bed, since I missed a couple days of class since the last exam, and our prof tends to give us lots of notes. But last night, Joe went to see this studio that his friend Aaron owns, and while they did that, I hung out with Aaron's gf, Danielle. She's a sweetheart and we had a lot of fun - split a bottle of red-wine between the two of us, and her neighbor Angela and friend Ray came over too. We all ordered a pizza and played this game (I forget what it's called) where you've given 2 choice of what you'd rather do, and both are awful choices (like, Would you rather shave your mom's bikini line or your dad's butt)... Fun!! We ordered a pizza and by the time we left at around 12:30am, everyone was thoroughly blitzed. Needless to say, I didn't get much reading done. (Ha!)

But I think the exam went OK. Out of the 50 questions, there was only a few that I really didn't know, so I'm not too worried about it right now. But we'll see.

2 more classes to go today. At least I have fried chicken for lunch - yum!! Joe and Mama B hooked me up before I left this morning. =)

Anyhow. Time for CHIKAN!!


Much Love,
