Fucking Hell!!!!

Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004 at 6:12 p.m.

I am SO beyond pissed right now!!!

I get a small package from UAlbany today, with a copy of my degree audit in it. And a letter saying that I'm deficient in one or more of my requirements for graduation, and that if it's not fixed by Oct 29th, my application for graduation will be dropped.

I've completed all the coursework and credits for BOTH my major and minor(or WILL have it done by the end of this semester), and this fucking thing is telling me that I don't have the nessecary 120 credits for graduation - that I still need 8 more. While there's this LIST of classes from other campuses (Purchase, mainly) for things like General Bio and General Chem I and II, which had been OK for transfer before.


I could literally bawl my eyes out right now. And now I have to meet with my advisor ASAP, and I don't even really like the guy - he seems like a dick.

I AM SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHH!!!!!!

Much Love,
