3 out of 6 (so far) ain't bad

Monday, Aug. 30, 2004 at 2:45 p.m.

Ahh... A fall-inspired layout!

I'm not sure if this is the one that I'm going to be using definitley or not.. there's another one from pink-design that I like as well, but if I come across one that I like even more, you never know... For now, this works. It makes me really happy, even if there's not a lot of space to put extra things. Besides, it's so pretty!! I guess I don't need all that other junk on my page. Maybe I'm just used to it. =)

So.. I've had 3 of my 6 classes today. Here's the (brief) run-down on what I think so far, though I think they're all going to be good! (I have one tonight and then the last 2 tomorrow, so another update tomorrow evening will let you know if I'm 6/6 instead of 3/6!):

Health Psy: Very cool - seems very related to the medical field which is perfect me, considering I want to go on to Nursing next. The professor is a younger guy, bald, very handsome and hilarious, so between his good looks and charm and the interesting course matieral, I'm very excited! I think this is the one I'm going to try to see if he'll let me do as 'writing intensive'.. Wish me luck!

American Political & Social History 1: I wasn't too thrilled at first to be taking another history course... and then our professor walked in. A cute, short older man, who's very passionate and excited about what he says. He did our first day of lecture as to why we should even study history, and he hit home some points that really made you think and go, "Hmmm". Needless to say, after one day I'm almost eager to learn more history (hey, American history is kind of interesting anyway since it's our country!), especially since I think he's going to be a great professor to learn from. Yay!

Sensation and Perception (Psychology): I've always been kind of intimidated by the more 'cognitive' psychology classes, though Lord knows why, since I enjoy biology and all that fun stuff. When our professor walked in, I breathe a huge sigh of relief - Looking like a former hippie, with the swagger of a grad student and the proficiency of the PhD he duly earned, I was mighty impressed! The best part of the class was when he was talking about emails, and made jokes about spam for Viagara and Penis Enlargement... just as a side note, he got this mock-innocent-horror face on and said, "How did they know?!" and while that doesn't seem so funny written down, the class was rollin' since it was unexpected. Probably one of the hardest of my classes, I'm still very into it, and I'll be excited to see how it pans out!

So that's the story as of right now... It's exciting to be back on campus with everyone again. It's nice to walk around as a SENIOR (Can you believe it?!), and a part of me goes out to the poor freshman who are wandering around looking lost and confused, 'cause we've all been there before. I'm excited for this school year, and after making the Dean's List all last year (and even potentially this summer, too!), I'm psyched to try and do it again. Fresh semesters are always filled with so much promise and hope. And considering that the last day of classes is December 8th, if I can hold on just through November, I may be able to keep this attitude up!

This week is going to fly by, I think. 2 more days of work and class after this, then off to Ohio for the wedding and a mini-visit to my Daddy's new house! I can't believe this is all coming up so soon. If I can just fill up the next few months, January will be here before I know it!

OK. Off to browse other things on the web! I don't have class again until 4:15, so I have an hour and 45 minutes to kill here. Have a happy Monday! =)

Much Love,
