Cabin and classes

Monday, Aug. 30, 2004 at 6:20 a.m.

I went to the cabin this weekend - it was nice. =) This'll be the last time that I'll probably see Joe up until the weekend after I get back from the wedding. Sad. :( He's talking about coming up tomorrow maybe for the jam session, but I'm not getting my hopes up - I know this is the first time basically since he's moved down there that he's had an oppertunity to stay there for a full week. I'm just gonna miss him. I wish he was going with me.

I talked to Megan yesterday and that was great fun - it's weird, how you can not talk to someone for a few years and yet you can seem to pick up right where you left off - even if things have changed in our lives. Crazy! I can't wait to see her!!

Today is my first day of classes for Fall semester - I'll update later and let ya know what I think, since I'll have 4 of my 6 classes today. Whee!!

Much Love,
