Quickie from vaca!

Thursday, Aug. 19, 2004 at 12:17 a.m.

UAlbany is named #1 Party School. =) Ha. THat's my school. *giggle*

I just got home. Vaca was great. Can't update now 'cause I'm sooooooo sleepy and have to get up at 5:30am to make it into work. Hope they don't expect me to DO anything tomorrow!!

Mom bought me this cool new duck, called Disco Duck. When you slam it against either your hand or a hard surface, it lights up with all these pretty colors. Neat!! Disco Duck rules!! I'll take a pic.

I took a few pix on vaca too, but those'll come with the actual update!!

Miss my Jenn!! Can't wait to see my Joseph tomorrow!! =) MWAH!

Much Love,
