Brightening up a bit

Thursday, Aug. 12, 2004 at 2:28 p.m.

Tonight Mom and I are going to go see my U.B. (I suddenly realized that I've been calling him that and I don't know if you've all put 2 and 2 together or not.. It's just short for Uncle Bill; that's what the fam calls him) Bobs saw him last night and said that although he still seems a bit confused (not as to who we are, really, but I think moreso of what happened) he seems OK. Or as OK as he can be after almost killing himself, literally. I wouldn't say I'm *excited*, but I almost kind of am. It was such a close call, and I'm so much more thankful of him and everyone/everything else around me that I have in my life. Not only did I not lose my Uncle, but he taught me a very valuable lesson about taking things for granted, and I really appreciate it. (Though, I must say, I could've done with a less drastic example of it)

Last night was my and Joe's 1 year 10 month anniversary!! I was going to go see him up in Saratoga (he was playing out on the streets with his friend again last night - Good money, considering that during Track Season, Saratoga is mobbed with rich brats and wannabe rich brats and drunk people that don't mind slipping change or even dollar bills into the drum case that's out to show their appreciation!) I got ahold of Rebecca instead, though - I had called her to appologize for missing HER call the other night, and explained a little about what was going on. She suggested we should meet up for coffee so I could just relax and maybe get some stuff off my chest (as could she), so we did that and then afterwards went shopping for stuff for her apartment. Fun!! It was a nice way to spend my evening, even if it wasn't wtih Joe, and it put me in pretty good spirits!

Busy busy today. I got out of my History class early - tomorrow's the final and I'm SO not ready for it. But, I figure that if I just do what I did last time, and I got a B+ on the essays, then if I can pull it off again I'll be alright. So I'm trying not to worry. Damn that test anxiety!!

At any rate, that's all that's up in my world right now. Rebecca and I leave Sunday evening for Cape May, NJ, which I'm really excited about!! Before then, in the afternoon, Mom and I might go to the Track, 'cause they're giving out umbrellas or something and she wants one, and I've never been and anyways, it'd be fun to spend time with Momma. =) Joe'll probably be back at the Cabin by then anyway, so it'll be a good way to waste time. =)

I feel like it should almost be pathetic how I feel almost saddened that I'm going to be away from him for like 3 or 4 days. Which is really silly, since I wouldn't even see him those days if I was here in NY to begin with!! lol.

I told him today that I have no doubt that he's The One because, even after almost 2 years, I still get butterflies in my tummy everytime I go to meet up with him on a date. Or mostly everytime. Someone who makes you feel that way even after you've seen them sick, farting, peeing in a bucket, angry, loving, and hilarious among other things can't be a wrong choice. I can remember with almost every single one of my other boyfriends, after about 4 or 5 months I was ready to look for someone else and think about moving on, even if I had convinced myself that I was staying with that person. Funny how things change. Or maybe it's just me who's changing. Or maybe I just found one of the perfect-est matches on this Earth for me.

Either way... I'm not complaining. =)

OK, I'll stop rambling. I'm gonna get ready to head back to work anyway. (Yuck)

But I got to make the money.

Much Love,
