Bob's gig, Nana's house, and venturing to the Cabin!

Saturday, Jul. 24, 2004 at 1:03 a.m.

Well. =)

I'm really proud of my brother. As previously mentioned, Joe, Rebecca and I went down to check out his (first ever!) gig tonight. The band was not bad - very entertaining. And it was such a nice feeling to watch my brother up on stage. =) Even though Joe was picking apart the music - chord structures, rhythm patterns, etc - it made me feel so good to see my big bro doin' something that he absolutely loves. I'm a very proud and happy little sis!! =)

Last night I found out that Mama B is getting Nana's house - woohoo!! She called me and said, "So... how would you feel about living with the duck-ehs?" and I got all excited and she told me that the Aunt had the house appraised and agreed to let Mama B have it by buying out half of it. This is extremely exciting for a lot of reasons, but among them being that Mama B definitley deserves it. The house they live in now is literally starting to fall apart - we're talking leaking roofs, cracked foundations, porch seperating from the house, etc - and Nana's house is nice (and smaller!) and has a huge pond with ducks not more than 10 feet away... Ahh!! I've already volunteered my services to help clean/pack/unpack, which is going to be a GIGANTIC project within itself - their house now is 5 bedrooms, plus a full attic and I think maybe a full basement too, though I've never been down there. I don't mind putting in the time and effort for Mama B though. She's truly like a second mother to me (and will be my mother-in-law someday!), and she always is so thoughtful and treats me like a daughter and is willing to help everyone else out that anything I can do to make life easier is not too much to ask. =) Should be fun!! I'm kinda hoping Mr. B doesn't move, but I bet that he will... dammit. I can't stand that man. But that's not my call to make, I suppose. He'll just have to deal with me being over and being in a more crowded space.

I feel good right now! Tired, but my spirits are where they should be. Tomorrow afternoon I'm heading out to the Cabin to relax for the night. I could just stay here, but I don't think I shall. It's too serene out there to miss.

On that note, off to bed I go. It's been a long but fun day, and I'm exhausted!

Much Love,
