The usual

Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004 at 5:19 p.m.

I love summer. But this one is definitley going by way too fast. We're almost to August already, and all I've done is work and take summer classes. What about the beach? Amusement parks? Picnics at the park? =( I'm starting to feel like I got cheated out of a summer now. Hopefully that tune'll change when I graduate the end of this year.

I think I've finally adjusted to Joe being away from me. Of course, it helps getting to see him at the end of the week and most of the weekend, but still. I miss him, but the distance helps me to miss him more and not take him for granted. I know sometimes I've done that, and luckily caught myself before anything stupid came of it, but it's not a position I relish being in.

I'm thinking about changing my layout soon. (Though I love you, Kris, for doing this for me, and I'm sure I'll be putting it back up in the future!!) I'm just in a different frame of mind, need a change of scenery, if you will. We'll see, though. I've spent the greater part of last week and part of the weekend looking for designs, and I just can't find any that suit me. =P We'll see...

That's enough. Almost time to get to class... Second one today. I'm starting to wonder how in the world I was doing 3 classes a day earlier this summer. Whew!

Much Love,
