Tanning escapes and cramps

Saturday, Jul. 10, 2004 at 11:11 a.m.

Things are OK, I think. I'll just leave it at that. I just have an amazing boyfriend!

Sort of productive today. I went for a walk/jog this morning, and really, it felt good. Except the last time I did that it was like 2 years ago, so I couldn't go out for very long. lol. I came back and tried to do pilates, and that was the worst idea EVER. I got about half way through the workout when the muscle in my calf suddenly cramped up!! Ow!! That is single handedly the most painful thing ever, and I can't imagine the poor people who go into shock or whatever and all their muscles tense... *gag* Not pleasant!! =( Usually I only get them at night. (Not often, but every once in a while) And luckily, Joe is usually almost always there when it happens, and despite my cries of pain, faithfully massages my calf until it loosens up and I can move my leg again. He wasn't here today, however, so I had no choice but to grit my teeth and rub. Well, latch. I just grabbed ahold of my calf and pressed my thumbs into the most painful spot... and after a few minutes, I could feel it loosen. Whew! It sucked though, and needless to say, I didn't dare attempt to finish my workout. =)

Not too much is happenin' today. Just gonna relax for the most part. Rebecca and I are meeting up around 7:30 to grab a quick dinner and go see Fahrenheit 9/11. I can't wait!! =) She's wicked cool, and we're both excited to see the movie, so it should be a good night. Afterwards, I'm heading up to Saratoga to catch the last hour or so of Joe's gig... I just pray that it goes well, 'cause that's the sensitive place right now, and I just really want to forget that all that bullshit even happened to begin with. But anyhow, after the gig, I'll be staying at Joe's. That way when we wake up tomorrow morning (or afternoon, for that matter!) I will be with him on our 1 year 9 month anniversary. Woohoo!!

I feel good today, I think. I went tanning yesterday for 20 minutes and fell asleep in the bed. Let me tell you, one of the most scariest things in the WORLD is waking up to the timer going over, opening your eyes and realizing you're almost completely naked in a glass box. I almost forgot where I was and started freaking out. And then I remember, and when I tried to get up, I was extremely dizzy. Joe thinks I should go tanning today, and I really probably should since my membership is up next Saturday, but I don't know if I can bring myself to do it. Heheh.

But on the other hand... maybe I can. Maybe I'll go do that now. =)

Much Love,
