Finale at Van Dyck, and Rebecca!

Thursday, Jul. 08, 2004 at 5:50 a.m.

Last night was fun! It was (thankfully) Joe's last gig at the Van Dyck with Mitch, and it was kind of disapointing since hardly anyone showed up.. Sad. BUT, Rebecca came out, and that was FANTASTIC! :) Her and I talked all night, drank wine, caught up on each other's lives since we've been playing phone tag the past 2 weeks. What a super-cool girly she is - I love her!! :) Tomorrow, her and I have a date to go see Farenheight 9-11, which we're both wicked excited about and have been wanting to see since we first heard of it's existance!! :) Good times, good times.

Things are fine between my Joseph and I now. I think it's pretty much left at I know what NOT to do again, and as long as I do that, things will be peachy. That's fine by me. Talking to Tim is defnitley NOT worth risking the loss of Joe. I don't even KNOW what I was thinking. Just almost desperate for new friends, I suppose.

Anyhow, I'm exhausted today. Hopefully work will be slow! I also have class tonight... wheeee. I'll need a nap after work. :)

Much Love,
