A hospital visit and cooking/decorating!

Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 10:20 p.m.

It's been a crazy couple of days, my friends.

Friday I didn't have to work or go to classes, since Gov. Pataki closed down all state offices in order to observe President Reagan's death. (I mentioned this) So, I decided to stay the night at Joe's house, since Friday was our 1 year 8 month anniversary, so we could spend the day together doing whatever we wanted.

Funny how plans change. =)

Thursday night, Joe was still feelin' really shitty. He has been since about Tuesday or so, and it had just been progressively getting worse. Thursday night we went to bed around midnight, and about 4am, Joseph woke up shaking uncontrollably. We're talking his whole body was almost convulsing, and he couldn't stop, or hardly talk, or even stand up. So I rushed him to the hospital about 5-10 minutes away... Almost 3 hours later, we found out that he had viral bronchitis... a very vicious case. And his temperature was so high - almost 104 when we brought him in. The doctor said it was probably a combo of the sickness, the sudden fever, and the meds he had taken before he went to bed that caused him to shake like that... It was very scary though. :( I felt so helpless, watching him be so scared and being scared for him and knowing there was absolutley nothing I could do but hold him and pray that everything would be OK. He's doing much better now... Got him on two different cough medicines to help loosen the phlegm and help him feel better, but he's still very weak, especially since he's been up most of the last week at night coughing and such. My poor baby. I love him. It hurts to see him like that. But it gave me a chance to repay the kindness he bestowed upon me when I was really sick the past month and a half or so.

Anyhow, needless to say we didn't do much celebrating. In fact, yesterday we just layed around and slept most of the day, except for our brief excursion to Barnes & Noble, to get him out of the house for a couple hours. I stayed at his house again last night 'cause he was a bit afraid of having another attack of his shakes, and I can't say I blame him. But he made it through OK, thank God.

Today, I helped Mama B cook for most of the morning. Tomorrow is Sierra's christening as well as Erica and Phil's wedding. We made dips and lasagna and sausage and peppers, and fruit stuff, and baked beans, etc. Then for most of the afternoon, after a brief hour or so break to get lunch with Joe (Subway, Yum!!) I went over to Erica's house to help with setting things up, since they're having the ceremony and celebration there. It was a lot of work to oragnize party favors, set up tables, move furniture up and down stairs to make room and such... Well worth it though. Really made me feel like part of the family, which I love. I was telling Joe that Erica is probably my favorite of his sisters, because she's the one I feel most comfortable around. It was nice to be able to help out, especially since she's busy with little Sierra (Who is so darn cute!!) and since she threw her back out yesterday while moving furniture with Mama B. Heheh. I had a really great day. I went and hung out with Joe after I was done, and we ate dinner and layed around and watched movies, then went and fed the ducks before I came home.

I just took a nice hot bath, and I feel so good! Joe just called and asked if I wanted to go get Starbucks, but we're both exhausted and don't have any money, so we opted out. We just like to be together. Heh. =)

Anyhow, I'm exhausted! Tomorrow is a really big day for everyone, so I should get some rest before it all happens. =)

Much Love,
