"I think that you should let it burn"

Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2004 at 6:03 a.m.

So nothing's changed. Nothing got taken care of. And if anything, I'm just in a really shitty mood. I'm guessing the most recent blow is the gap that's formed between Jenn and I. I was a bit of a brat the other day, 'cause I was annoyed that she didn't call me back and hasn't had time to talk lately (even though I know we've both been extremely busy)... and now it's turned into this whole thing. We've went from being best friends and everything being perfect, to apparently, as she put it in her email, growing apart since last Fall and our friendship being all but basically gone. That hurts. I'm not quite sure what to think about anything and everything at the moment...

This summer session is going by very quickly. Another week and a half, and then we're done - I can't believe it! But to add to the stress, now every freakin' paper/project is due coming up the beginning of next week!! Ahh!! There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done... But maybe on Friday. I have the day off from work 'cause Gov. Pataki (I think? That's sad that I don't even know our govenor) closed all state offices so that we can remember President Reagan, or something. I'll take the day off, say a little prayer, then go to school early and work on stuff until my 12:30 class. Then I'll have the afternoon to myself. =)

I miss Joe. I can't wait to see him tonight. He's sick, so I'll be taking care of him. It's cool, though. Lord knows he's done it for me many, many times!

Have a good Hump Day! Almost there... whew!

Much Love,
