Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004 at 12:05 p.m.

Seems like everyone is stressed out lately... including myself. Is it the weather? Retarded people? Or something in the air? I don't know... but all I know is that I don't like it.

I'm dealing with my own personal stressors as well as I know how - putting up a front, laughing myself through the day, trying not to take things too seriously. Sometimes I think about some of the problems though, and I feel physically sick to my stomach. I know I should just take care of them, one step at a time, and get it over and done with. But it's always that first step that is the hardest, and taking it is no easy feat for me this time around either.

But hopefully tonight one of the sickness-causing ills will be taken care of, and then I can move on to the next one. Keep your fingers crossed...

Anyhow, time to get to an exam. My Learning Psychology one. I'm kind of scared.. I didn't buy the book for the class, 'cause he posts all his notes on the web, and told us specifically the the book was only supplemental to his lectures. So I said, OK, I won't spend the $80 on a supplemental book! Of course, printing off the notes is a pain in my ass, since each chapter is like 8 pages long. I went to print out all the chapter notes last night at work to check out, and the damn thing for 6 chapters came to 77 pages! (Needless to say, I didn't print them out. What with the trouble of 'excessive internet usage', I thought that would almost indefinitley fit the bill) He gave us a really good study guide though, and he said he wasn't being wicked specific, and it's m/c, so maybe I'll be OK.

I was going to go into work early after the exam and make some extra hours. But depending on what time I get out, I think I might just go sun myself some more. (I'm already a little bit burnt!) I can free-park at the lot downtown until after 2pm anyway, so I have at least til then. =)

And I'm off!

Much Love,
