I feel GREAT! =)

Wednesday, Jun. 09, 2004 at 7:10 p.m.

I feel GREAT right now!!

I layed out in the sun most of the day, skipping my 2nd afternoon class, and just enjoying the sunshine. I got a little burnt, but I don't really care. It was so nice to take some time and relax, and really I felt like I deserved it since I got a 95 on my exam. Woo-hoo!

Work was blah. That never changes.

When I got back to school, my friend Rebecca and I hung out for like an hour before class. We splashed around in the fountain and went and stood under the mini-sprays and got wet, then we sat on the edge and talked about all sorts of stuff until around 6, we begrudgingly got up to go in. =) After we took the daily quiz, we left.. Ahh, what a nice day. =)

Now it's really thunderstorming, and that just makes me feel even better!! I'm gonna make a little bit of dinner here in a few, fix myself up to look pretty, then head out to Joe's gig at the Van Dyck. He's staying here tonight, and I'm wicked excited because it's been a while since we've gotten to sleep together. I just love him so much. =)

Time to talk to my hammies. They look a little frightened. I love them. =) =)

Much Love,
