Memorial Day Weekend Update!

Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 at 11:10 a.m.

Hi! Hope everyone had a good (and SAFE!) Memorial Day weekend! Here's what you missed the 4 days I didn't update:

Friday: Worked. Went to Joe's. Went to gig in Glens Falls. Had lots of wine. Very nice night. Slept at Joe's.

Saturday: Woke up. Went out to breakfast with Woh. Went to his recording session. Took a nap on the couch. Hung out in Saratoga afterwards. Slept at his house again.

Sunday: Packed stuff. Drove 2 cars down to Woodstock to move his little things (IE, not furniture) into Bob's place. Organized, cleaned, set up. Admired the wild-life. Out to dinner at a Mexican Place where I had my 1st REAL pina colada. Stayed there for the night and was a bit scared about bears and wild animals attacking us.

Monday: Woke up. Made breakfast. We went down to NYC for the day. Had pizza and coffee and just walked around. Went back to his place. Ate dinner, took a nap, sadly drove back to Sch'dy. Fell asleep.

Today has been kind of busy, not very interesting. Keep forgetting that it's Tuesday, but I'm so glad it is 'cause a 4 day week is ALWAYS better than a 5 day one. =) I miss Woh. It's hard to be away from him, and it's even harder to know that he's in the middle of nowhere, literally, and that there's wild things lurking around outside. Pretty in the day, kinda scary at night. HUGE moths. Ack!

It's wicked hot in the library today... wow! I'm tempted to take off my sweatshirt, but I'll be going outside soon enough. Waiting for my DD to go into my checking account so I can get some food. Ate breakfast at like 6:30, and Mom took my lunch to work, so now I have nothing to eat until 3pm.. which is why I need to eat here. Heh. =)

Anyhow.. nothing too exciting to talk about. Kind of in a daze today... anxious to just go home and relax. I feel... Blah.

Adjusting to Woh being 2 1/2 hours away is just not fun. =(

Much Love,
