Before I go to sleep..

Thursday, May. 13, 2004 at 10:32 p.m.

There's something to be said for being able to walk around in boy-cut panties and a tank top and not freeze your butt off. =) And well, I do like it!

Finishing typing up my Anthropology final... my printer is so stupid. I don't know how it runs out of black ink so quickly, when I rarely run things off to begin with. So I'm printing it off in dark blue. And it's kind of making smudges, which suck, but it's legible, so I don't really give a crap. =)

My chest hurts... just took some more medicine while I was on the phone with Jenn. Had to put the phone down because of the face I make when I take it. Heheh.

I realized something tonight that made me kind of sad though. Due to the fact that I can't do too much chest expansion because of the blinding pain, I can't do pilates for my abs 'cause it's too much pain to try and sit up. Sad!! :( I was feeling a little "fluffy" (PMS, I'm thinking) and I knew doing pilates would make me feel better.. of course, realizing I couldn't do them made me feel worse. So I did the butt and thigh ones instead. Take what you can get, I guess.

Anyhow, gotta go type up Joe's final for him now. He has to come over tonight and do one more afterthe musical. He's such a procrastinator. Me too, but at least I can focus and get lots of things done in one sitting. He, however, is not so lucky. And with the codeine hopefully kicking in soon, he may be typing his last essay on his own.

Have a good night. =) =)

Much Love,
