Walking on Sunshine!

Wednesday, May. 12, 2004 at 11:15 a.m.

We just had a whole building evacuation for the fire drill - that was nice!! Getting outside for a half hour for no reason is fine by me. =) It's gorgeous out!!

A police officer was out on his horse, and on the way back in, he saw me looking at it (horses are just SO beautiful, aren't they?) and asked me if I wanted to pet him. Of course I said yes! =) I asked what it's name was, and he's like, "Tiny" and I started laughing. 'Cause he was anything BUT. =) That was nice though... the small things always seem to make my day the most. =) Soooo beautiful. And there's just something about a man on a horse, especially one that is in uniform. Okay. 'Nuff about that. =P

I forgot to mention about going to Jessie's last night for dinner, and getting to see the kids. That was a lot of fun - I can't stop thinking about it. =) The girls, Chelsie (5) and Valerie (7), are both into softball/baseball. So we were all hitting and throwing balls around last night, and playing ball throwing games. We also got to play with the German Shepard pups, which are just too adorable for words. :)Baby Jason was awake, and everytime I see him, I swear he gets more and more beautiful. He has bright blonde hair and blue eyes, and the rosiest cheeks ever - he's like a poster child baby. =) Anyway, we grilled hamburgers and that's always tasty. Yum. =) It was just so nice, being out in the sunshine and playing with the kids. Joe told me that he stayed mostly inside just so he could watch me, because I looked so beautiful playing with them, and he had no doubt about what a great mother I would be in the future. And he was telling his mother how special I was, and how much he loves me. (Which I'm sure she knows) I love it. I love him. =) I'm just so happy, even if I'm sick!

Love, kids, horses, and the arts. What more could a girl ask for in life? =)

Much Love,
