Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May. 09, 2004 at 6:44 p.m.

Happy Mother's Day to the mamas out there. =)

T'was good here. Stayed at Joe's last night, so we woke up and saw Mama B this morning. Then everyone went to Erica's for brunch, and it was good to see her and Phil and new baby Sierra. :) (cause I haven't been able to since she was born since I've been sick! :) Gave Mom a little present and that made her happy, and then I called Jenn and her parent's house to wish them all a Happy Mother's Day, but no one was home. Typed Joe's paper for him today, and slept a whole lot. Now, he's on his way over, and I'm off to go rent a movie. =)

Hope everyone had a good weekend! (LOVE!)

Much Love,
