random ramblings

Friday, May. 07, 2004 at 1:28 p.m.

I feel a little better now. Not entirely sure how the exam went. I feel like I did okay - there were only a few questions that I had to really go back and try to grapple with. Guess I won't know til grades are posted. For now, I'll just put it out of my mind!

Seems like lots of people were very disappointed in the Friends finale last night.. I wonder why. I myself was not overly impressed, but as previously mentioned, I am no where near to being a Friends-Fanatic like some people I know. (Though I did enjoy many evenings in dorms watching the show with roommates/friends) On MSN they wrote an article about how the finale could never live up to the population's expections of it, and that essentially all it could do was tie up loose ends. This seems appropriate. And I think it did that, for the most part. The episode didn't strike me as anything spectacular - it was like watching any other of the Friends episodes, except this time I knew it was special because it was the last one ever to be filmed. But whatever, I guess. I think I would've been most impressed if it had elicited some tears from my eyes. It made me go "Awww" at the end, but outside of that... Eh. Too bad. I'm still mildly sad to see it go though. As Jenn pointed out, we've spent the last half of our lives watching this show. Kinda like watching the Olsen Twins grow up, only in reverse. We're watching a part of our childhood die.

LAUNCH is quite amusing while at work. Helps to pass the time.

I can't wait for work to be over. Turns out that I will be going to Joe's after work, at least for a couple hours. Don't know if I'll go to the musical again tonight or not now. It might be fun... Depends though, if Joe can get us comp tickets again. The show wasn't really good enough for me to want to pay $20something when I've already seen it twice and know what to expect. Hmmm.

I really could use a nap. I'm debating laying my head down on my desk, but 1) I don't think I could sleep with everyone yelling here and 2) I don't really trust them while I sleep. Dilemma.

Much Love,
