Stressed and Frazzled

Friday, May. 07, 2004 at 9:25 a.m.

I'm just not in the best mood right now. :~( I don't know why, really.. It's more of a combination of things.

For starters, I have my Psych final in an hour, and I'm really stressed out about that. I shouldn't be - I've done so well all semester - it's just, we have like 15 theories that we have to have memorized, and I don't feel like I know them that well, 'cause the few days I was sick and missed class was when we did the majority of them. Plus, I got a 70 on my Psych paper, which was a really huge let down. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, 'cause I wrote it the night before it was due when I was extremely sick (That was the first night of my fever) and had no other choice. So now I'm just worried. I want it to go well. :(

Plus, I'm just stressed and irritated and frustrated with everyone in general. Everyone at work is so damn loud and obnoxious! I can barely attempt to study with them screaming stupid shit back and forth to each other. And I could barely hear Joe both times that he called me this morning. Plus, he didn't really seem to help anything, because he was bitching at me to go eat something for breakfast when all I wanted to do was have him talk to me, and then I find out tonight I may not be going over because he's supposed to be going out to dinner with one of his friends or something.. I just want to cry. None of this is his fault, it's just I always depend on him and Jenn to be there for me when I need to be stabilized, and my Jenn is sick and stressed with end of semester too, so I've been looking to him and now that he's busy.. arg!

Plus, I don't think I'm taking so well to the fact that in another couple weeks, we'll be back in a similar 2nd Semester Purchase Situation, with him being 2 1/2 hours from me when he's living with my brother. (Or almost, at any rate) That seems like such a trivial thing to be upset over, but I'm so used to seeing him all the time and having him able to run to me if I need something that knowing he's going to be farther away is just not a good feeling.

I just want to cry. Maybe that's what I need to do. :~(

Much Love,
