A short note

Wednesday, Nov. 03, 2004 at 3:51 p.m.

Dear Senator Kerry,

I thought you would have made a great President. Better than George. But I'm very proud of you for being the man who takes his defeat with a side of grace, and didn't drag us through a couple weeks of hell in order to figure out who REALLY won.

It's a sad day for the U.S., but you did your best. Hey, having almost half the nation on your side is not such a bad thing!! Other people have been creamated by their opponents. If nothing else, relish in the fact that Americans wanted you in office just as much as Georgie. (If that CAN be taken as a compliment)

Here's to another 4 years, in hopes of no draft, an end to the war, and North Korea not nuking us all!

Much Love,
