It may look long, but it's important - PLEASE

Friday, Oct. 08, 2004 at 1:09 p.m.

I'm really pissed off right now. We got into a debate in my American History class about politics, and eventually that led to one thing: The Upcoming Draft.

Don't kid yourself and say, "There's no way that's going to happen." This article online shows that the House of Reps struck the proposed draft bill down 402-2 on Tuesday, but if something that easily can be rejected... How easily can be in instated as well?

I know before today, I didn't really think too much of the draft. It's been kind of in the back of my mind, and I've just said, "Sure. I won't go. Throw me in prison." But I'm urging you all, from the bottom of my heart... THINK about it. Imagine yourself coming home one day from class or work, to find in your mail a letter from the Selection Service, notifying you to register for the draft. Imagine being faced with 2 choices - Prison or fighting in Iraq, and don't bullshit yourself thinking that you won't be called in the lottery, or that you won't be sent overseas. You know if George W gets re-elected, you will. Now imagine you take either path, neither of which is good: Going to Prison: You're in Prison. It sucks. You may have to pay up to a $250,000 fine in addition to your 5 years of prison time. You may become somebody's bitch. You'll be banned from Federal Student Financial Aid as well as Federal Jobs. But then consider your alternative, Going to War. Almost none of the students I've spoken to (and I've talked to a LOT) want to go. Most don't agree with the war to begin with, and even if they do, they sure as hell don't want to be over there fighting for it. (And anyway, no offense to you out there who WOULD be willing to fight: I appreciate your sense of Patriotic-ness, but you're all idiots as far as I'm concerned, especially since this war was based on false pretenses. Maybe I could understand it if it was on our homeland. Maybe.) Anyhow, you'd do your military training. You'd be shipped off to Iraq, along with your friends/siblings/lovers/co-workers. You could DIE. Just think about that for one second, please. DIE. DEAD. As in, CEASING TO EXIST. I'm not willing to do that for ANYBODY. Maybe my opinion will change when I have children.

Seriously guys, it's time to wake the fuck up and remember to vote on November 2nd. You don't like Kerry any better than you like Bush? At least Kerry doesn't have a draft plan already in the works. Maybe with a change of presidency, our Allies will be more willing to cooperate with us and help find a different solution other than sending another few ten thousand American troops over to Iraq. Maybe they'd be willing to help us out in fighting the "War on Terror". Don't you think that if most of the world isn't agreeing with President Bush on these issues that there must be SOMETHING wrong? We're not talking about a war for independence or anything here. We're talking about bullying our way into a nation that doesn't even really want us there, in order to force OUR sense of government on them, and really all we're doing is pissing people off. Imagine if Russia had sent massive armies of Communists over to the U.S. and bombed and shot at us until we ceded to what they wanted? Life would be a whole lot different.

I'm not just asking anymore here. I'm BEGGING you. If you weren't going to vote, you need to change your mind. If you don't vote, and Bush gets re-elected, I'll put money on a bet that by the end of next year (And that's being generous, because lots of news sources are citing mid-next year) his draft will be in place, MINUS his daughters, because ladies, we're included too, and we'll be preparing to fight a war that we shouldn't have started in the first place.

Do your research, ladies and gentleman. The plan is ages 18-26, 20+ taken first in the draft by birthday lottery. There's no college exception. There's border controls already set up. They're already setting up local Selection Service committees, if they're not already in place. You won't have a place to run OR hide, and your only two options will literally be going to prison, or going to war. (Unless you want to take the road that a lot of our US soldiers, God bless their souls, are taking by committing suicide or getting pregnant so that they have to come home.)

Hmm.. Maybe getting pregnant wouldn't be such a bad idea if they reinstate the draft. Of course, depending on the length of this war, us ladies could be pushing out a lot of babies before it's over.

Just please. Vote. Vote for Kerry, even if you don't like him, because unlike our backstabbing, so-called Leader, he doesn't have a plan in the works for the draft. We may never be able to avoid it entirely thanks to Mr. Bush's mistakes already made, but if we give peace a chance to ensue, it might not be nessecary.

Besides, you know the slogan going around, don't you?

Bush in '04, Draft in '05.

I don't want to see myself, any of you, or any of our family members shipped off to die. I'll take prison, if nessecary, thanks. Good thing orange is my color.

Check out for articles, links to articles, and information about what we could be potentially facing.

Just as a side note: I realize that the draft plan is not entirely Bush's idea. That a certain D from NY proposed the idea. But you need to realize that Bush is not OPPOSED to the idea either. And even if Congress is who gets to decide whether or not to re-instate the Draft, you know that only a President can try to stop that... And with Bush so War-Happy the past 3 1/2 years, I don't see any indication of him putting up a fight to it.

Much Love,
