Drunken monkey

Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004 at 7:47 p.m.

I am so sleepy right now. I don't know what the heck is going on.
Things are not so interesting here at the moment.. still really boggd down with classes, and getting more anxious/frustrated about applying to Nursing schools by the day. Tomorrow is October 1st already, and at least 2-3 weeks ago I sent requests for info from potential schools. What the fuck. I'm thinking that maybe I'll just do the applications online. It might be easier that way.
Picture this: Animals, such as baboons and elephants, having eaten rotten fruit on the jungle floor, which has inevitably produced alcohol and made them drunk, walking and swaying and acting like a drunkkard. Funny picture? Picture the baboon swaying so much he almost falls off a branch. And then the next morning can be spotted almost holding his head. Think this is funny? It's true! Our professor in G&D was telling us about it. Oh, how I'd love to get my hands on that documentary!!
Okay. I'm gonna go take a shower, and then I think I might go stay over at Joe's house.

Much Love,
