Cabin & seeing AMY!!

Sunday, Sept. 12, 2004 at 8:28 p.m.

Back from the Cabin. =)

Got to see Amy last night - that was SO COOL!! :) We just happened to be on PC campus and I decided to call her and hope she was there.. and she was!! We (her, me, Joe, and Jeff) went into the city and hung out for a bit. Nothing TOO exciting, but it was just great to see her. =)

Obviously the weekend with Joe was fantastic. We stayed at Jeff's new place last night, and that was a lot of fun as well - his bed is SOOO comfy!! *grin* In all, it was just nice and relaxing. And of course, I haven't gotten any work done. ;)

I guess I'll unpack and do some cleaning. Maybe I'll even go to bed ridicuously early! Sleeping = nice. =)

Nighty night!

Much Love,
