Gay marriage, a letter, and Woodstock!

Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004 at 10:22 p.m.

Right now I'm watching MTV's True Life: I'm Gay and I'm Getting Married. It's good. I feel so awful for these gay couples though, all the shit they have to put up with just to be together. Well, maybe feel bad isn't the right word. Feel FOR them is more adequate. If you had asked me a few years ago what I thought about gay marriage, I didn't really have an opinion - I led a pretty sheltered life, and it wasn't until I got to college that I was really exposed to anyone straight-out-gay. And since that time I've made many, many gay friends, and well.. Heh. I feel like it makes me a bad Christian to really support them, but I couldn't care less actually. I love all of my friends dearly and would support any of their right to marry someone that they are in love with. I guess I don't see what the big deal is.

Ugh. There's this KID, with blue hair on the TV, talking about how the act itself is disgusting, and once we start allowing homosexual marriages, we may as well start allowing polygamy, and eventually beastiality as well... I hate when people use that AND the religious debate. I personally believe strongly in marriage, the desire to commit yourself to one person before family and friends (and God, if you believe in him) for the rest of your life, to promise to stick by them, and work through things, and love, etc.. And I guess I don't see why gay couples can't have that as well. Most serious ones in the face of unyielding laws pretty much live that way anyway. So it's a shame that people are so opposed to it. It actually makes me feel sick to my stomach to see people condeming them for a way they didn't choose to bed. Society is so sad. What right does ANYONE have to talk about the sanctity of marriage anyway, when now over half the marriages end in divorce regardless? C'mon. Wake up.

Class was interesting tonight. After a very lengthy discussion on chromosomal disorders (which scared me half to death when I think about having children), and then the procedures you have to follow in order to have a sex-change operation, we spent the remainder of the period talking about the female reproductive system. Ahh, the joy and variety of the Psychology of Human Sexuality! :) This is by far one of my most if not THE most favorite class I've taken so far in my college career. It's wonderful! Not just the material, but the professor as well. This 6 week session will fly by!

Got a letter from Megan today, which was exciting. I swear, her and I have always had some kind of connection. We haven't spoken in a couple of months, and I just sent her out a letter a few days ago, and one from her shows up today.. We're on the same wavelength, it seems, heheheh. But maybe that's what you get for being friends with someone for like 13 years. Heheh. Anyhow, she sent me another picture of her beautiful baby, Shelby, and info on the bridesmaid dress I have to go get fitted for and such... lots of other stuff too, but I won't bore you with the details. At any rate, I'm wicked excited!! Even if the marriage isn't til September. :)

OK. I'm going to go watch the rest of this show. :) Tomorrow after work I leave for Woodstock for the weekend, which I'm really looking forward to. Being away with no cell phone, no computer (cause I'm sure Bob took his), just a Woh-Bus and lots of Nature. =) Like a mini-vacation!! I'm going right after work, and bringing lots of food with me. :P He and Bobs might live on canned veggies and tuna, but I certainly can't. So I need to stock the place. =) We're doing a major cleaning of the house, which isn't exactly FUN, but definitley needs to be done. At least I'll be busy. =)

Have a good night!!

Much Love,
