A short update!

Monday, Jun. 21, 2004 at 6:13 p.m.

Happy One Year (marriage) Anniversary to my friends Keith and Katie! (Whom don't read this, but still.. well wishes go far!)

I don't have a lot to say about the weekend in general. I wrote a lot in my paper journal as opposed to here because some things just need to be spilled onto paper and not across the internet. Lots of thinking. But I got to hang out with my Grandma, and that was wicked cool!

I just got back from grabbing a cup of coffee with Rebecca... The Everlasting Cup of Coffee, actually, seeings how we sat in Starbucks and talked for nearly 3 hours. :) The more we talk, the more I like her - we've been through similar problems in our lives, whether it be family issues, boyfriend issues, or girl friend issues, so we totally relate. And she's all artsy and cool and I really seem to be attracted to that type over the past couple years... Inspires me by seeing them so inspired! I think her and I are at the beginning of a beautiful friendship (at least, I hope!) 'cause really the only girl friend I've had the past few years is Jenn... everyone else are 'friends', but not like her. But hopefully I can add Rebecca to that mix, too. And on the actual Friend side rather than 'friend' side. =)

Time to eat some dinner, then off to take a nap! I'm EXHAUSTED, and I start my next summer class tomorrow... Tues/Thurs from 6-9:30 til the end of July. Yuck. =)

Oh well. =)

Much Love,
