
Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004 at 12:14 a.m.

It's ben kind of a rough day or so. I don't feel like or even care to bother explaining. I'm kind of in a "low" right now, and maybe I just need to stew in it a bit. We'll see.

But I did spend the majority of the day with my grandma. I miss her so much.. her and I are so alike,, it's almost scary. I wish I would've stayed over tonight, so I could have hung out and talked to her more until she went to bed, but I really just wanted to be alone tonight. However, she extended an invite that me (or me and Joe) were always welcome at their place, especially during the summer when he has all his gigs in Saratoga, and if we drink a little too much and don't feel like driving between 30-45 minutes home... she's so sweet. I'm really glad I got to see her, and hopefully I'll be going over more. I'm going to help her rejeuvenate her garden, so that ought to be fun. Something to look forward to.

And so, there it is.

Much Love,
