Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday, May. 26, 2004 at 8:25 a.m.

I am sleepy. *yawn* 3 days into summer session, and I'm already starting to feel the burn! By the time I'm done with classes around 8:30-9pm, my brain is totally fried. Heh.

It's hard... working or going to school, and not having time to even really hang out with my honey or talk on the phone. Blah!! When I get home, I just want to pass out and go to sleep. Though last night I didn't til almost 11pm, so good for me!!

Hump Day today.. I can do it. We have a quiz in my Childhood Behavioral Disorders class (which is my night one), so maybe I will get out early. Or maybe I will leave early. The professor makes her lectures/powerpoint presentations EXACTLY parallel to the text... You can actually follow along in the text during class as to what she's pulling out. Heh.

I really like Jessica Simpson. I was reading in a back issue of Cosmo about her today. More on that later, maybe, but I think the reason I like her so much is because I can relate to her. I'm not quite so ditzy, but I definitley do have my moments where I will say ridiculous things that are hilarious and I'll get teased about it, too. Ah well. =) Laughter is the best medicine, and well.. I want to practice medicine someday. =)

Okay. Enough babble. 1/2 hour til class starts. I guess I'm ready to get my day underway. =)


Much Love,
