The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Tuesday, May. 18, 2004 at 2:06 p.m.

The Good: My paycheck was deposited via direct deposit for the first time, which was exciting! It's always nice to look at your bank account, and realize that $300 materialized seemingly out of nowhere!

The Bad: After giving Mom $150 for my car, taking out $150 for this weekend ($110/ticket and $40 for gas) and dropping $87 on my Sprint bill, my whole paycheck is *gone*.

The Ugly: Providing my Sprint payment goes through (which I seriously hope it does!), the check I wrote for Victoria's Secret will ultimately bounce. Unless they wait 2 weeks to cash it. Which I highly doubt happening. With having to get my tire fixed and potentially my brakes (which we won't know til tomorrow, 'cause we're leaving it at Lia in the morning), I could owe my mom potentially even MORE money... To which, when I passed her in the hallway, she said, "We need to talk about this, because you really need to start giving me more than your car payment each month". Why does this suck, you ask? Because on top of the fact that my credit cards are waaaay past due and I'm getting the Scary Notices, I start summer classes next Monday, and I'll be working less than I was THIS semester for the first month, which means my paychecks through the month of June will be gross. *sigh* Maybe a second, part-time job after June will be in order. Because after trying to take care of bills, I'm not going to have ANY money left over for ANYTHING else. =( Even when I work almost full time through the rest of the semester, I'm going to try so hard to at least get my credit cards paid off so all I have to worry about is my folks.

I'm kind of pissed at myself because I swore I would never get into this type of situation like my brother did. And I went ahead and did it anyway.

Needless to say, I'm in a really bad mood. Pissed off and sad. Sorry. Pity me. =(

Tonight is Mama B's birthday. Hopefully I'll get my tire fixed in time to make it out to the birthday party. But we'll see... Seeing the babies might make me feel better. *cry*

I'm going to go now. =(

Much Love,
