A short survery =)

Tuesday, May. 11, 2004 at 7:22 a.m.

For lack of a better entry, I noticed this on thespark and I thought I would kill some time by filling it out myself. =)

LAYER ONE: On The Outside

-- Name: Jackie

-- Birthdate: April 26, 1983

-- Birthplace: Findlay, OH

-- Current Location: Schenectady, NY

-- Eye Color: Blue

-- Hair Color: Blonde

-- Height: 5'3.5"

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus

LAYER TWO: On The Inside

-- Your heritage: Irish, Dutch, and French, mostly

-- Your weakness: Don't know how to say "No" easily, though I'm getting better at it!

-- Your fears: Losing any of my family members or friends. (To death or such)

-- Your perfect pizza: Cheese. Boring? Yes. But I really enjoy cold pizza more, and it just tastes better plain!

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM/Y!M/MSN: lol :-D

-- Your thoughts first waking up: Ugh.

-- Your best physical feature: Eyes or smile =)

-- Your bedtime: Depends, really.. I get up at 5:30am on the weekdays, so I try to go to sleep around 11pm or so.. But sometimes I can't sleep. Or I don't get home til 1am.

-- Your most missed memory: Being on the beach in Provincetown with my Joseph last year and running around naked!


-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke

-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King

-- Single or group dates: single

-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Ice Tea

-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino... or Hazelnut coffee. Or mochas. Or chai. =)


-- Smoke: No

-- Cuss: Occasionally

-- Sing: Sometimes

-- Have a crush(es): Yes

-- Do you think you've been in love: I am right now =)

-- Want to go to college: Already am

-- Like high school: It was fun while it lasted. =)

-- Want to get married: Of course =)

-- Believe in yourself: Yes

-- Get motion sickness: Not on rollercoasters... I do on the teacups though. Bleh!

-- Think you're attractive: I think so

-- Think you're a health freak: I can be

-- Get along with your parents: Most of the time

-- Like thunderstorms: LOVE them =)

LAYER SIX: In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: Yes - I just turned 21 last month =)

-- Smoked: Eew no

-- Done a drug: No

-- Made Out: Yes

-- Gone on a date: Yes

-- Gone to the mall?: Yes

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: *gag* No

-- Eaten sushi: No

-- Been on stage: yes, though I wasn't performing. I was watching Joe practice for the musical =)

-- Been dumped: No

-- Gone skating: No

-- Made homemade cookies: No

-- Dyed your hair: No

-- Stolen anything: No


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: =)

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Again.. =)

-- Been caught "doing something": Who hasn't? :)

-- Been called a tease: Of course =P

-- Gotten beaten up: Nope.. never.

-- Shoplifted: Yes

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older

-- Age you hoping to be married: 25

-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2; one boy, and one girl. Boy: Patrick Joseph (maybe, undecided) Girl: Ella Rose

-- Describe your dream wedding: Lots of lillies... lots of color. Near the ocean would be ideal, but we're too far away to haul everyone out there, I think. Joe and I have already started planning. =)

-- How do you want to die: Peacefully

-- Where you want to go to college: I already do... SUNY Albany

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: A nurse.. or maybe a physician's assistant. And a mother. =)

-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland. And Greece. =)

LAYER NINE: In a partner

-- Best eye color?: Hazel, like Joe's

-- Best hair color?: Brown (again)

-- Short or long hair: Short

-- Height: Taller than me... Joe's height. Where I fit right under his chin. =)

-- Best weight: Doesn't matter

-- Best articles of clothing: Comfy.. niice.

-- Best first date location: A movie, dinner, and then a walk in the park. =)

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 4

-- Number of CDs that I own: somewhere between 100-200?

-- Number of piercings: Just my ears

-- Number of tattoos: 0 for now.. maybe someday I'll get one on the small of my back!

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Hmm.. a handfull

-- Number of things in my past that I regret: I'm not really sure... I try not to regret anything. Though there is a couple people I regret dating - I really only consider myself as formerly being attached to about 2 guys. The rest I just try to pretend don't exist. And I really regret what I did to Joe. But you learn from your mistakes, right? :)


Whee, that was fun. =)

Real entry later on. We'll be slow today. ;)

Much Love,
