Waiting for my Codeine to kick in

Wednesday, May. 05, 2004 at 11:48 a.m.

I'm waiting for the medicine to really kick in.. how do you tell that it's working? =P I know the codeine works, because it makes me sleepy and gets rid of the pain. But the pain is still there. C'mon, anti-pneumonia meds!

Today is our last day of classes... whew! Kinda sad, but at the same time totally AWESOME! It's nice to know that for a few weeks all I have to think about is a few exams, and then get ready for summer sessions to start. I'll be looking forward to working almost full time and making money, too. I think I've decided that I might take a part-time job in the evening (if I can find one) and stick it out at home over the summer, and just bank all the money I can. I really want my own apartment, but especially with Joe and I planning on getting married in a few years, and me looking to move down there in December maybe, I need to be financially sound before that happens. (i.e., paying off my credit cards, then working on paying back Mom and Dad) They're accepting applications at the pet store in the mall, so I'm thinking about maybe applying there for a few nights a week or something. We'll see, though. I'm not going to get paid very much with whatever I do, but at least it'll be some extra money that I can put towards savings while I use the money I make from the state to pay my bills off. Sound like a plan? Anyone have any input? I'd appreciate it. =)

It's a gloomy day outside, and that makes me feel good. Less tempting to skip my last classes, hehehe. I was almost ready to go down to Westchester with Joseph today, but I know it's more important to stay and go to my review sessions for the finals. Blah. =P I might even going tanning after class, too... The membership I bought was only good for like 6 months or something, and that expiration is coming up soon... so I'd better go in and get some more color before it's over. I think I only have a week or two. Sad. =(

Another meager paycheck... and bills to pay. Thank God I get paid the Wednesday before KISS Concert, 'cause I'll need the money to pay for the ticket as well as getting out there and such. Whee!! I can't wait. =)

Okay... time to wander off and get to work, I suppose. Have a good one!

Much Love,
