Sat. Morning, and the living is easy

Saturday, Oct. 30, 2004 at 7:28 a.m.

Today is one of those days in Autumn that I love. Waking up and the sky is that greyish almost with a tint of green color, it's raining, almost cold.

Yesterday I saw this girl with a scarf that I really liked, and last night I dreamed that I had one just like it. It was a nice dream. Scarfs are nice!

Today I have studying/reading to do, and then Joe is doing another recording. I'm going to take pictures - fun fun!!

I just got a major whiff of peach.. I don't know where it came from, but it was very enjoyable!!

Off to start my day!! So much for 'sleeping in' late, huh? Though I guess I did, since I would've already been at work for a half hour.


Much Love,
