2 Years!!

Monday, Oct. 11, 2004 at 3:30 p.m.

So today is officially my and Joe's 2 year anniversary!! :) :) :) I'm so happy!! :) :)

Last night was a bit rough. We went down to the Blue Note to see a show, which contained one of my favorite saxophone players, one of his favorite drummers, and one of our well-liked pianists. And I got a bit pissy, which in turn kind of irritated him, but it was with good reason!

See, he had originally reserved a table for 6 for the show, as he usually does. And he usually invites our friends Keith and Katie, who live in Queens to go, and so it usually ends up just being the 4 of us or whatever. A couple of nights ago, Joseph had told me that he invited his friend Toby (a soph at Purchase) to come along, since Keith and Katie couldn't go and we had all these extra seats. I wasn't too thrilled about the idea to begin with, since it was our anniversary we were going to be out celebrating, but I didn't want to make a big fuss about something so minor. Well, yesterday he tells me that Toby is going to be bringing one of his friends, and that maybe another one too but the kid hadn't responded or whatever. Again, I started to get progressively more and more irritated, but I decided to try and make the best of the would-be situation so that Joe wouldn't get upset with me.

Well, we got to Purchase to pick these 3 kids up (2 freshman, 1 soph), and as soon as we find Toby (who I'll have to admit, is really nice and funny), I basically get ignored for music-talk. And it only gets worse when the other 2 guys show up. For the 45 minutes we were on campus through most of the way down to Manhattan, all they did was talk about music. Joe finally noticed that I wasn't saying anything and looked slightly ticked off when we were about 10 minutes away. *sigh* And then it only got worse once we were in the city, and they wanted to go to the music stores, and talk about what they bought, etc.

Finally, Joe decided to try and talk to me about what was wrong, and I told him: I was disappointed, NOT MAD, in the fact that we were out celebrating OUR anniversary, and we had 3 kids whom I didn't even know tagging along. To that he exploded, saying how he couldn't be this "knight in shining armor" and that he hoped I would do something like this "if my friends ever needed it" and that he was concerned with doing what was "best for everybody", not just me. When I kept trying to explain that I wasn't mad, just a little annoyed, he was all like, "I didn't have to fucking come down here." After that, I didn't talk to him til it was almost time for the show to start.

Then, to make matters worse, when we were outside the club waiting to be let in, 2 more of these young guys that Joe (and I) know show up. Fucking christ. We were out celebrating our 2 year anniversary, and we had 6 kids with us. I wasn't happy about it. In fact, thinking about it I'm still kind of irritated.

Now someone please tell me if I was being irrational. I understand that they're all jazz musicians, and that we were going to a jazz show. They wanted to come - OK, whatever. But to ignore me, and then get pissed when I finally get annoyed enough that I say what's wrong.. Is that awful? I mean, I'd like to think that I'm VERY patient most of the time when it comes to stuff like this. Shit, just about everytime Joe and I go out I'm sharing him with SOMEBODY, whether it's a musician or a friend he hasn't seen in a while. Rarely do we get to go out just as me and him and have no one else involved. And I'm not looking for a "knight in shining armor" to make everything perfect, but would it have been so much to ask that for our *2 year* anniversary that it just be me and him?? Last year on our anniversary he had a gig. This year we spent it with 6 underclassmen. It's just frustrating.

I'm glad we got to go though - I did enjoy it. And at the end of the night, Toby appologized to me, telling me that if he had known it was my and Joe's anniversary, he wouldn't have agreed to come. I thought it was a nice gesture, and it softened me a bit although my frustration wasn't pegged at them anyway, it was at Joe inviting them all along.

But things are lovely now. You know, whatever. Shit happens I guess.

That's it. Time for me to get to class. =)

Much Love,
