Of Mice and Woh!

Wednesday, Sept. 01, 2004 at 1:02 p.m.

So I was very productive so far today, and I'll get to that in a minute. But the most important news comes first - Joe had babies!! =)

Well, not him, obviously. But the little field mouse that got into the Cabin and apparently decided to make Joe's bed her nesting grounds. (He has one of those beds there right now that looks like a chair, but you can fold it out into a bed. She made her nest in the fold where the head-rest would be) Aww!! I'm so jealous!! =) He calls me and was like, "You will NOT believe what happened here!" and.. I'm just so happy. He sounds like a proud papa, telling me how tiny and pink they are, worrying about whether or not the Mama Mouse will find him since he moved them, and that he doesn't want them to die. (Don't be alarmed - he didn't touch the baby mice. He just kind of pushed them each with a tissue into an empty, bedded shoe box.) He's so excited. I'm so jealous I don't get to see them! It makes me think of when we had our hammies. =) I just home Mama Mouse comes back to find them!!

So today... Yeah, work was boring as usual, but I did manage to read the pages I was supposed to read for my evening Anthropology course. Then once I got to school (leaving work a 1/2 hour early!), I was able to pick up my parking decal, have SUNYCard put the $350 I'm 'borrowing' for books on my card, and get one book for each class, all before my 10:25am one! Expensive!! I still have like 7 books or something left to get, but I got all the expensive(er) ones now, so later it'll just be $20, $20 there.

I also picked up a school planner. I've had so many floating around, especially a big one I just bought at the end of Spring Semester, but it's too bulky to just carry around, so the new slim one works wonders. I always feel more organized with one anyway. =)

I'm working my arm muscles today by carrying the many pounds of books all over campus. I could've walked them out to my car, I suppose, but with the car being probably a mile or so away, I figured it was less torturous to haul them around campus, then to walk to the car with them, then back, then back to the car after class, etc.

Besides, I can work my arms now. =)

We leave early, early tomorrow morning to go to Ohio - yay!! You might see me update from there, since I'll be staying at my Daddy's house.

Hell, you might even see me tonight!

Much Love,
