Not really an update, but questions instead!

Monday, Jul. 05, 2004 at 11:01 p.m.

Wow. It's been a while since I've written, huh? SO unlike me!!

I don't really feel like talking much about it... it was great, there was a Not-Great-Thing, but in the end it's all OK and I'll just do this which I stole from irishblueyes whom stole it elsewhere.

And then I am going to bed. =)

1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection?

Chicago's Greatest Hits, probably. But I also have some N'Sync and Backstreet Boys CDs... I was still in my early teens when they came out, so... yeah. =)

2. what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?

That really depends on what's in there. A glass of water and chicken, or a salad, or something.

3. what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

"Sweet Home Alabama", "Pretty Woman", "Soul Food", "Coyote Ugly", "What A Girl Wants"

4. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?

Honestly, I don't know. I'm pretty happy with the way I am! Sometimes I think my nose is a little too round, but there's so many girls walkin' around like magazine covers that I think my extra cuteness gives me an advantage. =)

5. do you have a completely irrational fear?

Sometimes I worry about either being kidnapped or trapped in a fire. Not completely irrational in this day and age.

6. what is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?

Sometimes I'll bite my nails (used to anyway, don't hardly anymore), but nowadays I'll more rub my neck or constantly fix my hair.

7. are you a pyromaniac?


8. do you have too many love interests?

Nah. Only one. Plus Viggo Mortensen. =)

9. do you know anyone famous?

I met Susan from Sesame Street many years ago. And I got a chance to meet the Dhali Llama once. But I don't *know* anyone famous.

10. describe your bed:

Comfy! Lots of pillows and blankets. (Not so condusive in the summertime, but eh, I like to be warm)

11. spontaneous or plan?

That really depends on what's going on! I'll absolutley be spontaneous but sometimes it's easier to make plans ahead of time, like when taking a trip.

12. who should play you in a movie about your life?

Sarah Jessica Parker or Kate Hudson.

13. do you know how to play poker?

No, not really.

14. what do you carry with you at all times?

My purse usually contains: my wallet, my cell phone, Chapstick, a tube of lipgloss and/or lipstick, and mascara.

15. what do you miss most about being little?

Having no fear. Being able to dive in sub-zero water and not mind a bit. Being able to pick up bugs without screaming like a girly-girl and running away. =P

16. are you happy with your given name?

Yes. My parents did a very good job. =)

17. how much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?

About 5 years ago - an obscene ammount. Now, honestly, I couldn't really care less. I love updating here and checking my email, but I could do that almost anywhere. However, it's so useful as far as directions/entertainment/recipies, etc go, that I'd definitly need something to compensate! Especially since I grew up with it basically.

18. what color is your bedroom?

White with a powder blue carpet. But the walls are covered with pictures and posters, so you can't really see it.

19. what was the last song you were listening to?

A song by Chris Potter in Joe's car. (Potter is a jazz saxophonist)

20. have you ever been in a play?

Yep. =) I did a few in junior high and high school, 'cause that's what my clique all did. We were the band/theatre people. I was either in the chorus or a dancer though. I had no real desire to be a star. =)

21. have you ever been in love?

Absolutley. I'm in love with now with my Joseph. Although looking back now, there's only one, maybe two people I've ever been in love with of my boyfriends from the past besides: Joey and JT.

22. do you talk a lot?

Depends on who I'm with!

23. do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

Most of the time, yes. I have my faults, but in general I'm a good person. And it's good to have faith in what I can do, though I really rely on my family for support!

24. do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?

Nah, not annoy. Some people choose to live like that, although I know most don't. In all actuality, they're probably the ones that are better fof anyway: They have faith, they know how to be humble, and they don't have this materialistic personality that most of the world does.

25. do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

Most of tbe time, yes. I can be a bitch though, too. But I'm very generous to those I love and care about.

26. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?

Most of my friends live anywhere from 2-24 hours away from me by car, so definitley more time with my Joseph. But he's my best friend anyway, so I guess he could count. =)

27. what is your ideal marriage location?

It doesn't really matter, I suppose. But I would love to be by the sea. So maybe Cape Cod?

28. which musical instrument do you wish you could play?

Well, I can already play a number of them (although not fluently anymore). I'd love to re-learn the piano and go in the jazz vein, however. Or acoustic guitar. =)

29. favorite fabric?

Anything soft and feel-goody! I'm very tactile, especially with my clothes and such. I can't stand rough fabrics.

30. something you love and hate?

Honey roaster peanuts. (which I think I'm allergic to something in, 'cause I break out in a rash when I eat them, but I continue to anyway 'cause I love them)

31. what kind of bedding do you use?

I have yet to purchase my "grown up" bedding... When I move out I hope to. =) But for now I have my little twin bed, which is more than enough room for me, with a comforter on that I've had since I was about 9 or so. (I had an awesome leopard comforter I just HAD to have when I went off to college, but it's kind of 'slippery' when you're laying on it, so I don't use it so much anymore)

32. do you tell your friends about your sex life?

I'm not against it. But I don't give the raunchy details. =)

33. what's the one language you want to learn?

I'm pretty decent with french. But I'd LOVE to learn other languages, like Itallian, Greek, and Hebrew. Languages are so beautiful to me. Actually, I'd love to learn to read hierglyphics.

34. how do you eat an apple?

From the middle around and then the ends.

35. what do you order at a bar?

Green Apple Martinis, Pinot Grigio or Shiraz for wine, and various b eers if I'm out: Warsteiner, Stella Artois, even Guiness is good. Sometime Coronas with a lime. =)

36. have you ever pierced your body parts?

Just my ears. I wanted to get my tongue and eyebrow done, but I eventually grew out of that phase.

37. do you have tattoos?

Not yet. I might get one in the not-so-distant future. Either something related to my Irish hertiage or the Chinese character for Happiness, since that's my main goal in life. =)

38. would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery any kind if confronted?

If it turned out OK I might. I'm usually very honest. But I don't think I'd ever get it done in the first place.

39. what's one of the "funniest" things you've ever done?

Bah, too many. Protesting the killing and eating of a 75lb lobster my family won once... puking in the water fountain at a guard show... flushing my Antaomy professor's key ring of like every key he ever owned down the toilet (accidently)...

40. do you drive stick?

Not yet. Joe has to teach me still, 'cause his car is!

41. what's one trait you hate in a person?

One? Ignorance. And stupidity.

42. what kind of watch(es) do you wear?

A very nice, elegant watch that Joe's mother gave me for Christmas 2 years ago.

43. most frivolous purchase?

Handbags or shoes. Or going out to eat - we do that alot. Also, body products: lotions, lipglosses, sloughers, smoothers - you name it. =)

44. do you consider yourself materialistic?

No, not materialistic. I can be slightly posesssive of some of my special "things", but for the most part, I could live without most of what I have.

45. what do you cook the best?

Pancakes. =) Mama B is teachin' me though, so I make a pretty killin' antipaste and dill dip. =)

46. favorite writing instrument?

Pen and paper. Portable. To the point. Easier for certain people to access, but not millions. =)

47. do you prefer to stand out or blend in?

I've always been more of an individual, but I don't go out of my way to do it!

48. would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

I'm not against it, but I'm more girly girl anyhow, so probably not. =)

49. what's one car you will never buy?

A Ford, hopefully. All the Ford dealers around here are fucking pricks.

50. what kind of books do you like to read?

Fiction, non-fiction, autobios and bios, educational, photography books, travel books, etc.

51. if you won the lottery, what would you do?

Take care of all my debts, take care of my mother's, put her in her own house with any car she might desire, give my brother some, help Joe pay off his debts, then put the rest into savings and save for a rainy day. =)

52. burial or cremation?

I guess it really doesn't matter to me. They could cremate me and bury my ashes. That'd be OK. No need to let me just rot in a box. =)

53. how many online journals do you read regularly?

Reguarly, huh? Maybe 5?

54. what's one thing you're a sore loser at?

I'm really not. I'm pretty good-natured and laid back, so I tend to not be super-competitive.

55. if you don't like a person, how do you show it?

Ignore, usually. Or be kind of bitchy and standoff-ish. Childish, maybe, but it sure gets the point across. And if it doesn't, there's good old blatant honesty!

56. do you cry in front of friends?

I have many times. I'm comfortable with those I call friends and with my own emotions.

57. what kind of first impression do you think you give to people?

Nice. Older. Funny. Used to be slightly on the flirty side, I guess, but now that I'm in my 20's and in a serious relationship, I've really grown out of that. =)

58. what's one thing you like to do alone?

Read and/or write. And take long, hot baths. They're fun with someone else too, but not when you have a tub big enough for barely one person!

59. are you a giver or a taker?

Both, but more of a giver.

60. when's the last time you cried?

Ha. Saturday night, I believe? And no, I don't want to talk about it. Things are fine now, though.

61. favorite communication method?

Good old fashioned snail mail. Emailing is easiest, phoning is more interactive, but I know so many of my friends always wish they got real snail-mail that I try to send it out as often as possible. Plus, nothing really says, "Hey, I really put effort into and time aside to sit down and write this letter to you" like snail mail. =)

62. how many drinks before you're tipsy?

How tipsy are we talking? I'd say more around 4, but it really depends on what I'm drinking. =)

63. do you think you're cute?

Of course. =)

64. do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?

Nah. I'm totally comfortable with my sexuality and my body, so getting naked just doesn't phase me in the slightest.

65. what's the most painful experience you've ever had?

Breaking my own nose by hitting myself in the face with the butt of the rifle I was twirling in winterguard. I swear, I thought my head was going to explode!! Between headaches, a swollen nose, and a temperature way above 100 for about a week, it was just not good. Ouch!

Much Love,
