Martinis Abound!

Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 at 10:38 p.m.


It's been a seemingly long, yet uneventful weekend. I can't complain. =)

Last night Joe had a gig up at 9 Maple, and that was fun. I spent the majority of the night hanging out outside with Tim as he did the whole bouncer thing, since it was waaay too crowded and loud in the bar. (You know it's bad when it's easier to hear the band OUTSIDE the place than in) Had lots of martinis. Got home late. Today Joe had another gig, one Tim got him at the new restaurant he's helping to pull together. It was lots of fun. =) I sat at the bar and alternated between listening/watching Joe, talking to Tim, and watching the people. (They were, for the majority, 'rich' people, which in themselves are amusing. And since I dressed up nice, they were kind of treating me like one of their own, being really super-friendly and stuff. Bizarre) Anyhow, it was a great time. Since it was the restaurant's opening, they had free food and drinks for like 3 hours. Tim kept making sure I was taken care of. The last martini he gave me was a Screaming Orgasm, and after that I stuck straight to water. It was then that I realized that after downing 3 of them, I still had to drive home. Heheheh. Needless to say, the ton of water I drank worked it's magic, makin' me pee every 5 minutes but hey, it expunged most of the alcohol. =)

Joe gets really jealous of Tim, and I don't know why... it's weird. It's like, I guess I understand WHY... Tim's attractive, older, and shows a lot of interest in me when I'm around. And even though he has a wife and kid, Joe has known so many other men in that situation to be unfaithful that he doesn't trust Tim. Which is sad. =( He is SUCH a sweetheart to me. I tried to explain to Joe today that when he's at a gig, or sometimes even more so, that it's like pulling teeth to get him to pay attention to me. But I understand that, 'cause he's focused on playing and stuff, and not so much hanging out with me. But I also pointed out that he can't be mad at a friend (whom is mutual and he's known for years now!) paying attention to me! I'll admit, there's some kind of attraction between the two of us. But I'm not looking to have sex with him, or hurt Joe, or wreck Tim's family. God. lol. He's just a very nice guy that I enjoy talking to and feel a good vibe from. I'm in love with Joe... and it seems like everyone else can see that except for him, 'cause he still seems to think I'm going to run off on him. Blah.

This could lead to a whole discussion about my thoughts/feeling on the Joey/Caitlin fiasco, and to Joe and his theory on how he doesn't talk to any of his female friends, so why do I need all these guy friends, etc... but the only thing I can say to that is that it's sort of immature, and that he would do stuff purposely just to spite me (as I've seen previously with the Joey/Caitlin thing), and not so much for his own benefit. But hell, I'm not perfect either. And I feel like that if he were to take an interest in female friends, that he would be looking for something more potentially... or accidently. But that in itself goes back to how him and I view sex differently, and I'll spare you that pain.

Anyhow, it's been a fun weekend, and I've done waaaaay too much drinking and should recuperate. Got a long week ahead of me. Half way done with this session though, woohoo!!!


Much Love,
